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Friedrich-List-Schule stellt sich vor

24. Januar 2012 | Allgemeines, Bildung, Das Neueste, Gesellschaft, Leitartikel, Mannheim, Politik

Für Freitag, 27.01.2012, lädt die Friedrich-List-Schule von 18.00 bis 21.00 Uhr zu einem Informationsabend ein.

Hierbei können sich zukünftige Schüler sowie deren Eltern über Anmeldeverfahren und Bildungsangebote informieren. Neben Vorträgen über die Aufnahme an der Berufsfachschule Wirtschaft und dem Wirtschaftsgymnasium gibt es bilingualen Schnupperunterricht, Unterrichtsdemonstrationen an der elektronischen Tafel, Aufführungen der Theatergruppe und vieles mehr.
In der Berufsfachschule Wirtschaft können Lernende den mittleren Bildungsabschluss und im Wirtschaftsgymnasium die allgemeine Hochschulreife erwerben. Zum Erwerb der allgemeinen Hochschulreife bietet die Friedrich-List-Schule seit dem letzten Jahr auch das Profil Internationale Wirtschaft an, ein Bildungsgang mit hohem bilingualen Anteil und dem Zertifikat „Internationales Abitur“.

Termin: am Freitag, 27.01.2012
von 18.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
in C6,1 Mannheim

(Quelle: Stadt Mannheim)

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bsybf ceo jeremy wholesale nfl jerseys darroch on q1 2015 resultsIt was in talking to my mother moments after the game that I came to this revelation. I don really watch the crucial games of the Pistons any more. So, I have to rely on others to give me scores and such. My mother is so wise. She told me, I try to tune out what they [Pistons] do. If they win, good. If not, oh well. But I found myself getting all tense and oakley outlet up tight, then I though that these Cheap Football Jerseys guys are wholesale jerseys millionaires, they be okay. There it is. With everything going on it the world, none of us have time to become enthralled with the wins and losses of young men getting paid a king ransom for living their dreams. I hear Les Brown speak on this very subject often. He says, are serious times, so you have got to be serious you haven accomplished your dreams, you can afford to sit up watching TV.So if you’ve ever wondered why Disney hasn’t done a Toy Story TV show (beyond the Buzz Lightyear animated series), it’s probably because they already did that: Only a year before the first Toy Story movie came out, the Disney Cheap Jerseys Channel aired a spin off TV series about The Christmas Toy Cheap mlb Jerseys characters called Secret Life of Toys, but it was cancelled after 13 episodes.“I’m passionate about helping my brothers and helping my sisters and helping my neighbours, and leaving this world in a better place, because in Islamic culture that’s what you are taught. It’s not about how big a house you have, it’s not about what kind of car you drive, it’s not about how much money that you have because you know why? When you meet your maker all that stuff is gone. The only thing that stays with you are what? Your good deeds. So your good deeds should be the Wholesale Jerseys number one thing that you cherish and that’s what I cherish.“Follow me on TwitterMy TweetsVirginia ElsewhereUprooted, a longform narrative published in MATTER, investigates the rapidly growing industry of genetic genealogy. Deep down, everybody wants to know who they are and where they came from. But what happens if you discover that everything you thought was true was, in fact, a lie?’He has a great offensive line, big guys. They’re going to run it, especially with Tony Romo possibly being out. The way to defend him is not let him get outside. You have to keep him contained in the interior and hit his legs. You don’t want him high too much because he gets stronger as the game goes on.’In fact, co founder Biz Stone spent last week promoting a live chat on ProductHunt instead of promoting the use of Periscope. Outside of the multiple tweets about his new work, he didn’t tweet anything about the two major livestreams that will greatly shape user growth and the value of Twitter.

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